What to Expect
What to Expect
3846 25th ave West
Seattle, Washington, 98199
There is no need to dress up to meet with us. Most people will be wearing comfortable weekend clothes. Come with a heart open to a glorious, grace-filled God, and come comfortable.
Think of what you would expect a church service to be, but do it “family style.” More “an evening with family that you (mostly) like” and less “going to take in a show.” That’s on purpose.
Typical ways we worship together in our main gathering time:
Simple, yet thoughtfully creative time of praise through music
A Biblically rooted sermon with interactive discussion
Deliberate times to pray together
Reading God’s Word corporately to remind us of his character
Eating a meal together
Time set apart to get to know each other
That is THE question?! It is always (at least) a little unnerving to walk into someone’s home, even if you know them well. Do we take shoes off or leave them on? Should we bring something for the hosts? Will I be stared at by strangers or, worse, will the people awkwardly ignore me? Trust us, we know it would be a big step to take to enter someone’s home, especially for a worship service.
Even though we all know (and have intimately experienced) the weirdness of gatherings of people like this, we have also experienced the goodness of it.
We choose to meet in a home now because it is usually in a home where people are more themselves, more comfortable (after a few minutes), and more open to meaningful discussion. Jesus was often invited into people’s homes to linger, to talk, to eat, and to be present with them. Though it seemed like a short time to those of us who have grown up in a fast-food and drive-by-relationship culture, Jesus chose to spent significant amount of his precious time around a table with all kinds of people. We recognize that God is at work in big open, spaces and He is at work in the close settings that encourage us to have real, meaningful, and (often) raw conversations about what really matters.
Yes, being in a home asks a lot of us, but what God gives us as we meet together and share our lives together is worth it!
There is so much to say about this, but if you have already read this much you want a short, sweet answer. This is the heart of it: some of the most powerful ways God moves among people happens around a table. We let down our guard, learn to laugh at each other’s jokes and listen to each other’s pain. If you think about it, Jesus spent a significant amount of time merely sitting and eating with people and (we believe) he wanted us to follow his lead. In many ways, having dinner together is a sign of valuing one another enough to spend precious time on each other.
When we slow down and devote time to each other, we get to be a part of God’s Spirit doing powerful (yet simple) things among us.
This is what the Church is to be: a community of broken people finding family around a meal under the tree of Calvary.
-Tim Chester, A Meal with Jesus
This is what the Church is to be: a community of broken people finding family around a meal under the tree of Calvary.
-Tim Chester, A Meal with Jesus
“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they [the new Christians] received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”