Wes, Adrienne, Evie, and Sophia Walls
"You need to start something new."
A pastor friend of mine challenged me (Wes) with those words while we talked about our vision for what we would like to see the Spirit do in our ministry. Though our first response was fear (!), the question jumpstarted our desire to live believing that our Father would come though...and that he would create a community of disciples in missionary context like Seattle.
In 2015, a small group of people moved from their homes in Texas with the intention of planting their lives in the city of Seattle and to become a life-giving part of the city. Since then, we have seen the Father bring others who are committed to Jesus and his mission to build his Church- disciples who treasure Jesus, love each other sacrificially, and desire to see our neighbors have a living, faith-filled relationship with Jesus also.
We look to God's word to show us what new things he is doing: new lives, new communities of faith in Jesus and new ways to love our neighbors.
Our desire is to be the Church and live out that identity in a context where over 90% of our friends are skeptical and disinterested in faith in Jesus. What both we and they need is the simplicity of life lived together, rooted in the gospel and empowered by the Spirit.
The heart of our story is joining in on something new. Joining our God in what He is already doing around us.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”