[At random times I will send out reflections on who God is and we see Him doing among us. This is the third of those random musings.]

I feel like I often have just enough words to make it through the day, and no more than that. Because of that, I want them to be meaningful.

Maybe, like me, its not always time that keeps us from praying, but the words. Sometimes we are concerned with praying the right words and the right tone and the right attitude.

My encouragement here is the same is it is on the video. Pause. And while you pause, pray.

Pray because Jesus taught us to, commanded us to, but also pray because you have a Father that wants to hear even your imperfect, broken, stumbling, (and sometimes) badly motivated words.

Pause and pray. Even it it is just a few words, like "please help," or "why, Father" or "I love you."

See the video linked below. More soon.


Click Here to Watch the Video on Vimeo